As massage obviously eliminates pain and stress, consequently, it cures many different illnesses. Massage stimulates the body’s natural system against toxic invaders. For example, in breast cancer, massage increases the cells that fight cancer (Touch). Also it motivates endorphin, the body pain killer, and is being used to control the pain from illness and promotes recovery the patient from surgery as well. For example, “in a study of postoperative pain in 116 patients who underwent thoracic surgery, the assessed their pain before and after massage by making it on a scale from 1 to 10. After being massaged, their pain level significantly decreased”. In addition, it solves headache and migraine or at least reduced their pain significantly. For instance, in a study on 21 women who suffered from headache and migraine, they received massage carefully. At the end of the study, the headache and migraine have significantly decreased and in some cases have disappeared, besides increasing the serotonin level in the brain (Touch).
Massage is a servant for many body disorders. It is a good solution for sleep deficits. As massage reduces the pain and increases the relaxation in the body, it promotes deep sleep which is responsible for growth hormone, and releases another chemical called substance P which is responsible for eliminating the pain in the body. Furthermore, it copes with immune disorders, because it enables the body to receive adequate chemical hormones as a result of adequate sleep, relaxing, and stress and pain relieving. It also improves the range of motion which eliminates the chronic pain in the lower back. In addition, it relieves anxiety from students and patients as well. For example, in a study in a medical school in New Jersey, it was shown that students and cancer patients who receive massage appropriately, have less anxiety and stress, and lower respiratory rate (
The Final Blog!
14 years ago
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